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Three-axes Hanging Joystick Oil Hydraulic Micromanipulator (Narishige)
Narishige  MMO-202ND  Three-axes Hanging Joystick Oil Hydraulic Micromanipulator

The MMO-202 micromanipulator features an oil hydraulic joystick enabling smooth three-dimensional movement with a single lever.  Since the joystick is the hanging type, it can be manipulated with the user's arms and hands placed comfortably on the table.  Operation is therefore done in a natural posture, and can be maintained for longer periods. Among the other features promoting its easy use are the movable ratio adjustment section located on top of the control unit and the unit's familiar rounded design instead of the more angular shape seen on conventional equipment.  Changing the universal joint included with the micromanipulator to MMO-220A one-axis oil hydraulic micromanipulator (sold separately) enables four-dimensional remote controlled movement.

Also see MMO-4, which is an upgraded MMO-202ND, usability is greatly improved.


Accessories (included)
    IP Iron Plate, UT-2 Universal Joint, CF-3 Tube Fixture, Allen Wrench

Movement range
    Fine    X 10 mm, Y 10 mm, Z 10 mm

Full rotation of knob
    250 µm

Minimum graduation
    2 µm

Joystick (max. movement in X-Y plane)
    2 mm

Dimensions/ Weight
    Control unit     W 165 × D 80 × H 175 mm / 1.85 kg
    Drive unit      W 70 × D 50 × H 80 mm / 0.15 kg